上交所在问询函中还指出,财务费用对维维股份的业绩影响较大,公司资金账面余额20.28亿元,但同时报告期内公司发生财务费用2.02亿元,仅产生利息收入1185.60万元, 要求核实是否存在与控股股东或其他关联方联合或共管账户的情况,核实是否存在货币资金被他方实际使用的情况。
Liu Xin: I think that would be a wonderful idea。 Don’t you think for American consumers, products from China would be even cheaper? And for consumers in China, products from America would be so much cheaper too? I think that would be a wonderful idea, I think we should work towards that。 But you talked about rule-based system, rule-based order。 This is the thing, if you want to change the rules it has to be done in mutual consensus, basically when we talk about tariffs it’s not just between China and the United States。 I understand if you lower tariffs just between China and the United States the Europeans will come, the Japanese will come, the Venezuelans will probably come and say ‘hey, we want the same tariffs’。 You can’t discriminate between countries。 So it’s a very complicated settlement to reach。 I think the last time the world agreed on the kind of tariff reduction China should commit to, was exactly the result of multilateral and years of difficult negotiations。 The United States saw, in its interests, and decided to what degree they could agree, or to what degree they could lower their tariff - nobody put a gun to their head - and China agreed, although with some difficulty, to lower their, our, tariff considerably, it is all the decision of countries according to their own self-interest。 Now things are different, yes, I agree, 20 years later, what are we going to do? Maybe these old rules need to be changed。 You know what, let’s talk about it, let’s do it according to the rules, the same rules, but if you don’t like the rules, we‘ll change the rules, but it has to be a multilateral process。
新京报记者 赵昱责任编辑:鲍一凡8月18日,伊拉克总统萨利赫在巴格达分别会见了美国和伊朗驻伊拉克大使。他强调,必须缓和地区紧张局势,通过对话解决危机。根据《联合早报》19日报道,伊拉克总统办公室发表声明说,萨利赫与美国驻伊拉克大使图勒讨论了地区和国际最新政治形势。双方强调必须缓和紧张局势,采取建设性对话并加强安全合作,以结束地区危机,巩固国际和平与安全。